Wednesday 11 December 2013

Review: James Blunt - Moon Landing

James Blunt is back with a new album, and a new haircut.

[caption id="attachment_1107" align="alignright" width="199"]James Blunt (pic: Focka) James Blunt (pic: Focka)[/caption]

Currently 22 in the Official UK Album Chart, Blunt has had a few harsh critics throughout his career even though he has sold 20 million albums worldwide. It would also be fair to say that his fan base has probably moved from thirty-something women, who thought the song ‘Your Beautiful’ was about them, to women probably in their 40’s plus.

However, I think Blunt should have a fair trial with this new album. Starting with the album cover, it’s clear to see he has rethought his image and has returned as an edgier, more clean-cut version of himself although his eyes are quite eerie.

The album, which is out now, has 11 tracks and if you can’t get enough of him, the Deluxe album has three bonus tracks added to it. One of the tracks, "Bonfire Heart" debuted at number 6 before reaching number two in the UK Singles Chart the following week, but the hype has now seemed to die down.

I found the album very relaxing to listen to with its very distinctive folk-pop sound. Blunt seems to have took a light-hearted approach to this album which makes him and the songs more likeable. “Sun on Sunday” is a very chilled out song and his distinctive vocals are extremely melodic.

My favourite song on the album is “Always Hate Me”, an alternative love-song that shows Blunt maybe isn’t always a hit with the ladies. The chorus is catchy and somber.

In conclusion, I think this is a very good come-back album from James Blunt. He is trying to show a different side to his song-style whilst staying true to his love-song background. His vocals fit perfectly with this sort of style and I think it’s a definite must-by  for Christmas for a girlfriend or Mum!

Chester Intelligencer Reporter, Amy Holland

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