Wednesday 11 December 2013

Noise and anti-social behaviour in Garden Quarter is still prominent

[caption id="attachment_1096" align="alignright" width="300"]Garden Lane, Chester (pic: Nigel Mykura) Garden Lane, Chester (pic: Nigel Mykura)[/caption]

Recent noise and anti-social behaviour in the Garden Quarter, mainly from students at Chester University, has prompted Cheshire Police to say they have put extra patrols in place to tackle the problem. We speak to a 20- year old resident of Garden Lane (part of the Garden Quarter) who prefers not to be named. She is still experiencing problems and noise in the area.

What problems have you had with the university students?

Basically, all they ever do is knock on all the doors all through the night, screaming and shouting. They’ve even walked into my house on one occasion, a big gang of them and then ran back out leaving the door open. I have dogs and cats that could have escaped and a little brother who got really scared.”

They sellotape things to our door and windows like bin lids, they put tape over the spyhole, stick bottles to the drain pipe using sellotape, things like that. They smash things all the time down the street, kick all the bins over. This is what we have to put up with.

What do you think should happen to the students who are doing this?

I think the University should warn them. They should put up notices all around the uni, saying that if you are responsible then stop or they’ll be consequences. It’s fine to go out and have a drink but why wake everyone up and terrorise people on your way home? What’s the point?

Cheshire Police have stated that they have put more patrols up in your area. Do you think this is helping?

Honestly, there doesn’t seem to be any more police on the street at all. It’s still happening all the time, especially on student nights and weekends. Something needs to be done.

Chester Intelligencer Reporter, Amy Holland

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