Wednesday 11 December 2013

Review: Gate of India Restaurant

The Gate of India Restaurant, situated on City Road is arguably one of Chester’s hidden gems, that is, if you are a curry lover.

I have been visiting this restaurant for a few years now and have never been disappointed with the meal or the experience.

If you are looking for a mild and creamy korma or a spicy vindaloo, the Gate of India really is the place to go. Mostly used by people who have had a few drinks in town and want to finish it with a nice meal, you would think the place was in danger of being to chaotic but the atmosphere is fun and friendly.

The staff in here are also excellent and very attuned to the customer’s needs. If you are with another person and you have ordered different curries and you happen to have each other’s plates in front of you, the staff are quick to correct it even if the curry’s look the same and you wouldn’t have noticed the difference!

This particular time, me and the person I was dining with ordered poppadum’s, chutney’s and onion bhaji to start. Then followed by a chicken Dupiaza, with rice and a naan for the main.

Even if you order two poppadum’s, there will always be more in the basket free of charge. There is a big variety of chutney’s also, just be careful of the lime pickle it does have a kick! We were shocked when the onion bhaji’s arrived as they were triple the size that I have ever seen.

The curry was absolutely gorgeous, just hot enough so that it didn’t burn your mouth.

I would definitely recommend this curry house to anyone who is looking for a nice, relaxed meal on the outskirts of town, before or after a drink. The restaurant stays open till 1am most weekend nights. The price of the meal, £25, was also very reasonable.

Chester Intelligencer Reporter, Amy Holland

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