Wednesday 11 December 2013

Carols for missing people this Christmas

HAVING  a family member go missing is heartbreaking all year round but the pain becomes even more raw during family - based periods such as Christmas.

Every five minutes, a child in the UK goes missing. In a year, up to 275,000 people disappear.

The effect for family members are devastating and any support becomes a lifeline. That's where charities such as 'Missing People' come in.

[caption id="attachment_1134" align="alignright" width="300"]Carol services are being held throughout the country. Picture by: Carol services are being held throughout the country.
Picture by:[/caption]

This year there are five carol services being held in memory of those who are missing and their families in support for the Home for Christmas Appeal. The closest service to Chester is being held in Manchester at 6.30 pm on December, 14. Others will be in London, Colchester, Cardiff and York.

After last year's service, Kate McCann, mother of missing toddler Madeline McCann said: "Thank you to the charity Missing People for making the void in our family this Christmas that little bit smaller."

To find out how to register for a carol service, or for more information about Missing People's work over Christmas and the rest of the year, visit:

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