Wednesday 11 December 2013

Movember madness

IN November 2003, Australian friends went a whole month without shaving their moustaches to raise money for charity.

Now, ten years later, Movember has become a recognised part of the calender with 1.1 million people registering as 'Mo's.' Supporting over 560 men's health charities the annual event has raised £94 million and now takes place in 21 countries.

The main focus in the past few years has been men's mental health charities but money raised also goes towards prostate and testicular cancer charities.

Adam Garone, Movember co-founder and CEO said: "Whilst the quantum funds is truly impressive, what is equally important are the conversations and awareness about men's health."

There are hundreds of different forms of mental illness that effect both men and women, but, in the UK young males have higher levels of suicide than any other social group. Jonathan Phillips, 21, suffers from mild

[caption id="attachment_1192" align="alignright" width="168"]Movember is a light hearted way to raise money for an excellent cause. Movember is a light hearted way to raise money for an excellent cause.[/caption]

depression and raises money every year for the cause, he said: "I do Movemeber every year with three other friends. It's important for people to realise that mental illness can effect anyone and sufferers might be unaware they have it or be too embarrassed to go a get help." He added: "Its a great light hearted way to raise money and awareness for a serious cause but also to help remove the stigma attached to mental heath issues."

Chester joined in the fundraising this year once again with those young and old from schools to offices and nightclubs donning either a real or drawn on beard to promote the cause.

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