Friday 6 December 2013

A Christmas Carol on DVD

[caption id="attachment_1231" align="alignright" width="188"]The DVD cover, taken from The DVD cover, taken from[/caption]

IF GETTING in the Christmas spirit seems to be impossible, switch on A Christmas Carol, starring Jim Carrey and Colin Firth.

This film is animated and the attention to detail is part of what makes this film so successful and enjoyable to watch.

There are so many versions of the Charles Dickens book, but this one especially is a must watch and it has really given the story a re-birth. The stars listed above play several of characters between them, including Scrooge, his nephew and the ghosts of Christmas. The animation is so accurate to real life that at a first glance, the characters look like real people.

The director has made this version of a family favourite original, with the extended scenes. For example, new characters are introduced, such as Scrooge’s maid and a London choir. This, plus the developed characters makes this film a classic.

Humour plays a huge part in many scenes. When the ghost of past pays Scrooge a visit, there is an element of humour when the ghost dances and flicks his fire cap in his face. Because the film is an animation, it is easy to identify the two actors personalities playing the roles. Jim Carrey is known for his exaggerated, funny facial expressions and this is often portrayed in scrooge and the spirit of the present day. It is entertaining to watch the spirit of the present day as a skeleton laugh, but this could be daunting for children to witness.

Certain scenes may not be appropriate for young children, because of its mild scary content. This keeps the older audience entertained as Scrooge runs away from a dark horse with red eyes through the streets of old London. This film is also available to buy in 3D and when the horse looks closely towards the camera, it brings the viewer into the scene. There are some scenes that might frighten children. In particular, when the door knob turns into a ghost of an old man, there is a build up of tension before he suddenly moves.

The main meaning behind the book is still at the heart of the film. After watching this, it will make viewers feel inspired and happy after seeing the transformation of Scrooge towards the end. After following his journey for 90 minutes, one can’t help but want to put the Christmas tree up after it and spread joy to the world.

Check out the trailer for this version of A Christmas Carol here:

Chester Intelligencer reporter, Amy Poole

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