Saturday 7 December 2013

New Police Lieutenants for Chester

[caption id="attachment_847" align="alignnone" width="300"]Lieutenant article newspaper Photography by Francesca Delanty-Granger[/caption]

SEVEN new deputy lieutenants have been appointed for Chester by the Lord-Lieutenant of Cheshire David Briggs MBE.

The lieutenants who will be taking up these positions are: Valerie Allen JP, Lieutenant General Sir Edmund Burton KBE, Mark Greaves, Clare Hayward, Robert Mee, Graham Phillips and Jo Sykes.

Lieutenant General Sir Edmund Burton of Chester has prior to this position been the Deputy Chief of Defence Staff and is now Army Member of the Armed Forces Charities Advisory Council. He is the Chairman of Chester Cathedral Council, as well as, the Chairman of the Information Assurance Advisory Council and President of the Trustworthy Software Initiative.

Chester Intelligencer, Beatrice Covill

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