Friday 6 December 2013

‘Ready to Switch’ scheme a potential money saver

CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER residents who signed up to the latest round of the ‘Ready to Switch’ scheme could save money this winter.

[caption id="attachment_519" align="alignright" width="500"]With nearly all energy suppliers increasing their prices, Chester Residents could save money as part of the scheme. With nearly all energy suppliers increasing their prices, Chester Residents could save money as part of the scheme. Photo:Flickr/LucidioStudio[/caption]

In the face of rising energy prices, 1,295 households could save an average of £102 following an auction between energy companies.

In a bid to save residents money, Cheshire West and Chester council joined forces with 11 other local authorities to create the Collective Energy Scheme in which residents combine their purchasing power and bulk-buy their energy as a group They can then negotiate for cheaper prices with the providers.

Councillor Herbert Manley, Executive Member for Growth and Innovation, said: “I am delighted that the majority of people who have signed up for the latest round of ‘Ready to Switch’ are now set to make big savings on their energy bills.”

“This comes at a time when energy prices, and the strain on household budgets, are on the increase, and so will be a welcome relief for many as the colder months draw in.”

Those that did sign up to the scheme will receive their personal offer letter or email before December 13 2013. It will advise them if they could make savings against their current deal, and how much they would save. Residents will then have until January 13 2014 to decide whether to switch.

The Ready to Switch scheme was combined with other initiatives in the UK to create a collective of over 54,000 households, driven by more than 70 local authorities. This is the sixth auction to be held following the UK pilot with South Lakeland District Council a year ago.

Chester Intelligencer reporter, Sean Lunt

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