Wednesday 4 December 2013

Album Review: Simple Plan - 'Get Your Heart On - The Second Coming' EP

SIMPLE PLAN are still a band apparently!sp

The Canadian quintet, that should’ve given up the ghost a long long time ago, are back with a new EP, which collects cuts from their previous album, in preparation for their fifth(?!) full length album.

Released digitally, these are 7 tracks of the cheesiest of all pop ‘rock’. They could give McFly or Busted a run for their money in the cheese department.

Opening with ‘Ordinary Life’, which isn’t the worst on the EP (it gets much, MUCH worse…), a song about, you guessed it, feeling ordinary. Lyrics like “One two three four five, another week goes by” are incredibly intelligent and life affirming…if you’re a small child learning how to count the weekdays.

It gets much worse with track number two, which sounds like really terrible ‘crunk’ (it was a thing in 2006…look up brokeNCYDE), and is further evidence that Simple Plan are way, way, WAY past it.

If only it got better…but it doesn’t. These are 7 tracks of the most out-dated pop music, and that’s also the most redeeming feature, it was only 7. If you like McFly, Busted, All Time Low, or other out-dated pop rock, then maybe you’ll get a nostalgia trip out of this. If you don’t, avoid it, like the plague.

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