Thursday 5 December 2013

Dangerous weather warnings close Winter Wonderland attraction

SEVERE weather warnings have led to the closure of Chester's Winter Wonderland attraction today 5 December.

Flooding has affected the whole of Chester with the River Dee breaking its banks earlier this afternoon just after 12.30pm. Sandbags have been placed along the Grosvenor bridge to help prevent rainwater from further affecting the racecourse.

Residents from the surrounding areas are being warned to prepare themselves and their properties as the weather worsens.

[caption id="attachment_593" align="alignright" width="225"]The River Dee breaks its banks earlier today.  © Chloe Donley The River Dee breaks its banks earlier today.
© Chloe Donley[/caption]

A message was put up on the Winter Wonderland website earlier explaining that the forecast of 45mph winds has meant that the site is 'unsafe for visitors' and will re-open tomorrow 6 December at 4pm.

Chester has been put on high alert for flooding with the Environment Agency issuing an Amber warning to the city and its surrounding areas.

For further updates on the weather and information regarding Winter Wonderland please visit and

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