Monday 25 November 2013

Student Makes More Than £2,000 a Month

A 21-YEAR-OLD Psychology major spends only three hours a day on Twitter and makes as much money as a full-time worker.

University of Chester student Cara Evans, simply tweets advertisement links for five companies and gets paid about one pence per click.

With her seven Twitter accounts of nearly one million followers each, one link usually generates £20.

Cara searched the web two months ago for jobs in social media after her temporary job at a call centre came to an end. The marketing advertisements sparked an idea and she contacted organisations to see if they needed a freelance advertiser.

“I’ve always had a passion for social media websites, so I thought I’d see if I could make any money out of it,” Cara said.

Little did she expect to earn so much by tweeting only two or three sponsored link a day.

“I didn’t expect to make much. Maybe £10 a week,” she said.

Her first pay was £600 in the first week. But she hasn’t blown her earnings and has put it into a savings account.

“I know some other people who do this job too and it isn’t guaranteed forever. I’m trying to be sensible. I hope to be a Psychologist in the future,” Cara added.

The job isn’t time consuming and she can focus on assignment deadlines and studying for exams more than she could with her previous job, which paid less and involved more hours.

Chester Intelligencer reporter, Amy Poole

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